Interior color palettes typically use some form of color theory, from complementaries to high-contrast pairings. However, if your home needs something that goes beyond convention, you’ll want to look into color drenching. In today’s post, home remodeling company Owens Construction takes a look at color drenching, and why it’s becoming a rising trend in the past year.

What Is Color Drenching?
Color drenching involves painting an entire space, from floorboards to ceiling, with a single, continuous hue. While monochromatic color palettes are not new, they use different hues to create depth and dimension. On the other hand, color drenching utilizes one color and throughout the whole space — including accents like trim and radiator grills.
Part of the appeal of color drenching is the color selection. You can look beyond the typical all-white, pastels or earth-tones and steer towards more adventurous colors like emerald, purple or orange. With a wider selection of colors, you can really get adventurous.
How to Achieve a Beautiful Color-Drenched Space
To get started with color drenching, choose the space that you think will benefit from such an approach. We recommend smaller rooms like a home office or laundry room because it will take less time and resources and won’t impact the rest of the house. It should also give you more confidence in your color selection.
Next, choose a color that speaks to you. It doesn’t have to have a wow factor, but it has to be a hue that you feel comfortable with. If you already have furniture and decor in the room, they can help narrow down your color choices as they have to work within the context of the room.
Finally, test your color selection. Place swatches on the wall and see how they look during different times of the day. If your preferred color doesn’t seem to be working, try choosing a darker or lighter hue, or an adjacent similar color. Variations in the finish, such as gloss trim against matte walls, can help add dimension to the room.
Whether you want to try color drenching in a small room or as part of a kitchen renovation project, Owens Construction can help make your remodeling plans come true. Give us a call at (614) 846-1149 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.